Home > Current Events
CIRCLE Foundation hosts several events
to help support our Mission and Vison.
Please view our Current and Past events.
(A fundraiser for Innovations High School)
MACY'S Walnut Room - 7th Floor
111 N. State, Street, Chicago, IL 60602
Tickets: $85/per person
You are cordially invited to join us for an enchanted evening featuring:
Inspire Award Recipient: Dr. Chandra Gill
Founder & CEO, Blackademically Speaking (www.drchandragill.com)
Motivate Award Recipient: Enoch Muhammad
Founder, Hip Hop Detox (www.hiphopdetoxxonline.com)
Empower Award Recipient: Torrey Barret
Founder & Executive Director, KLEO (www.thekleocenter.org)
Purchase tickets online at: circlefoundation4thgala.eventbrite.com
For more information, please call 312.999.9360 x107 or email info@circlefound.org.